閱讀暖身網路時代的讀者習慣免費獲取資訊,但過去一年來,付費閱讀內容竟似乎行得通了,哪些趨勢使得付費閱讀的比例提高、我們如何掌握應用?進入本文前,請先想想以下單字永和雅思IELTS補習班課程怎麼說:(A)阻力 (B)小眾的 (C)轉換

一對一英文補習班 新店More consumers seem to be paying for content these days. This can be a part of the豐原成人美語推薦老師 millennial culture, as Patreon's CEO, Jack Conte says: "This new generation is more concerned with social impact. There's a desire to vote with your dollars and your time and attention." However, Hunter Walk, former product manager of YouTube and Co-founder of the VC Homebrew, indicates that several other trends have converged at the same time to enable this direct payment (vs. ad supported).

近來消費者似乎更願意為內容付費,這是千禧世代的文化特色,如群眾募資平台Patreon CEO Jack Conte所說:「新一代更在乎社會影響力,他們用金錢、時間和注意力來支持該理念。」不過,前YouTube產品經理,現在是創投公司合夥人的Hunter Walk認為,使用者願意直接為內容付費(相對於讀免費內容、看廣告主付費的廣告),也要歸因於幾項趨勢。Comfort With Online Payment: “Amazon, the iOS App Store and e-commerce in general has made a critical mass of consumers comfortable with online payments. Additionally, the (A)friction of paying online has been reduced to one-click stored credentials, Touch ID and so on.”消費者已習慣線上付費:「Amazon、iOS App Store及大多數的電子商務,已創造出眾多習慣線上付費的消費者。而且,線上支付的阻力已降到極低,有了一鍵儲存付款資料、Touch ID指紋辨識付款等。」Paying Creators, Not Corporations: “It’s never been easier to pay creators directly (or to feel like you’re supporting them personally) rather than having to transact through a middleman. Crowdfunding/support like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Pateron, Indiegogo. Direct transaction via Stripe. Marketplaces like Etsy. Tipping mechanisms like Twitch…I’m thrilled to give Ben Thompson $100 for his newsletter. It feels very different than paying $100 to News Corp. This is another reason why brand and authenticity matter so much.”付費給創作者而不是企業:「不須透過中間人交易、直接付費給創作者(或者感覺自己支持的是創作者個人)現在再簡單不過,有群眾募資網站如Kickstarter、GoFundMe、Pateron以及Indiegogo;有直接交易服務如Stripe;線上市場如Etsy;打賞機制如Twitch……。我非常樂意支付100美金讀Ben Thompson的電子報。這和付100美金給新聞企業的感覺是很不同的。這也是為什麼品牌和真實性這麼重要的一個原因。」Niche Content Needs Higher Income Per Consumer: The internet enables (B)niche content. The reality is that many creators have no choice, but to ask directly for dollars from their audience because ad revenue alone wouldn’t be enough to support niche content. You make a few bucks annually at most off your most enthusiastic users, if you’re just showing them ads. A few bucks more if you have affiliate deals that (C)convert. Just one $10 payment, *let alone, say $3/month, has a much greater LTV (Lifetime Value).小眾內容需要從單一客戶獲得更高收入:「網際網路使小眾內容得以存在。現實是,很多創作者別無選擇,必須直接向閱聽眾收費,因為小眾內容只憑廣告收入是無法生存的,你每年頂多從最狂熱的用戶獲得些許廣告收入,廣告成功轉換交易則可能再多一些進帳。向單一會員收取每月3美元,甚至只是單筆10美元,其生命週期價值就高得多。」註:LTV Lifetime Value指的是每個用戶(購買者、會員、使用者)在未來可能為該服務帶來的收益總和。(維基百科)Google & Facebook Aren’t About Transactions: “Ok, here’s something that’s a bit subtle. Facebook and Google, as advertising networks, don’t really do transactions well and don’t want to make them a focus. They much rather convince content owners to monetize via ads. Why? Upside. They can increase the revenue from advertising solutions over time by creating more inventory, more advertiser demand and increased targeted effectiveness. These all happen without taxing the consumer and with minimal involvement from the content creator. Also, if they can increase ad effectiveness over time they’ll earn more budgets and attention from advertisers and publishers.”交易不是Google和Facebook關注重點:「這一點比較微妙。Facebook和Google作為廣告網路,並沒有真正做好交易、也未把重心擺在交易這一塊。它們寧願說服內容擁有者通過廣告變現。為什麼?因為成長空間大。它們可以創造更多廣告資源、更多客戶需求和更有針對性的效果來增加廣告方案的收入。這些都不需對消費者收費,而且內容創作者的參與程度最小。此外,如果能使廣告效果越來越好,它們會獲得廣告主、發布者更多的預算和關注。」資料來源:hunterwalk.com世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile!很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找回失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,花了二十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人。人生不要一輩子都在跟英文纏鬥吧,要嘛放棄它不要有罪惡感,要不就征服它帶來成就感,英文學習的最後一站,報名電話(台北)02-27215033、(新竹)專業外籍英語家教 淡水03-5782199,www.core-corner.com。(工商時報)

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